Friday 16 June 2017


The Boss- James
Rubinito- Taylor
Gonzalo- Dan

There will also be a narrator in the trailer as the shots of the trailer are being shown to create tension.

Introduction and copyright pop ups- 5-6 seconds

Establishing shot of location- 2 seconds

Narrator speaks- My name is Rubinto,

The Boss-  "Ah Rubinto sit down"-medium close up- 3 seconds

Point of view of Gonzalo getting chased with stolen drugs- 2 seconds

Close up shot of drugs- 1 second

Medium shot of Gonzalo with actors name on screen- 2 seconds

Rubinto on the phone- High angle shot- 1 seconds

Extreme close up of gun- 1 second

Over the shoulder shot- Rubinto and Gonzalo- Rubinto "So you have the money"- 2 seconds

Medium Shot of The Boss with actors name come up on to the screen- 2 seconds.

Low Angle shot of Gonzalo- "HAHAHAHA" 2 seconds

Tracking shot of The Boss speaking standing up looking forwards- 2 seconds

Close up shot of Gonzalo with a zoom to his mouth- "No"- 4 seconds

Music becomes more dramatic

Gonzalo and Rubinto have a fight- Long shot- 3 seconds.

Medium Shot of Rubinto with actors name coming up on the screen- 2 seconds

Tracking Shot of Gonzalo running with briefcase- 3 seconds.

Medium shot of boss punching the desk in frustration- 2 seconds

Long shot of Rubinto with a gun in his hand pointing it and firing it- 3 seconds

Black screen with name of film come up- 3 seconds

End credits- 4 seconds

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