Monday 12 June 2017

Initial thoughts on the A2 media coursework

For the A2 media course, there are different things which need to be produced and that includes a poster, a movie trailer and a magazine front cover for a chosen movie genre. There are four different movie genres which I can pick from and these are

  • Western gunfight 
  • Horror chase
  • Romantic encounter 
  • Gangster deal.

The movie trailer's which have been produced from previous years at a high standard which shows that there needs to be a lot of effort and time put into them to making them the best they can be.

There are 11 different shots which include
  • Establishing Shot
  • Long Shot
  • Medium Shot
  • Close Shot
  • Extreme Close up
  • Low angle Shot
  • High angle Shot 
  • Tracking shot 
  • Over the shoulder shot 
  • Point of view shot

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